Book Sharing Hack to Facebook Groups

February 1, 2019

Wes Oleszewski is the author of ‘Invisible Evil,’ which became a number one international bestseller on Amazon, shared a fantastic hack with us that I in return want to share with you. Read on or watch my short video.

Wes was told in Facebook groups that he could not sale or promote within the groups.  So he thought “ok” I’ll contribute. He wrote this beautiful blog that had a lot of value in it. He only made it three short paragraphs, but what he did was add a link to his book. He put sponsored by Invisible Evil for the blog. By doing this he saw a dramatic spike in his sales that day. How cool is that? My advice is to think about contributing, writing blogs onto other Facebook groups and be specific about the group’s you’re in. You want to make sure they are tied into the niche of your book and the people seeing it are going to be looking for your type of information. You don’t want to just post to random groups.  And lastly add a hyperlink.

A hyperlink is when you take a group of text, highlight it, then look for a little thing that looks like a paperclip at the top, click on that, and then put the link in there and it makes that text blue. I’m sure you’ve seen it a bunch of times, or you’ve seen that blue stuff when you’re looking at emails or different people selling you stuff. When clicked it will take you right to the source.

We are recommending that you contribute to some blogs in this way too also boost your own sales. It doesn’t have to have thousands of people in it as long as it’s really geared towards your niche. Wes had just one link in his blog, that was the hyperlink attached with the name of his book. He was able to do this because he said that the author who wrote ‘Invisible Evil’ was also writing the blog with him. You then will see a spike in your sales. His post now can be shared a bunch of times.

Give this a try and thank Wes by checking out his bookInvisible Evil and we’ll be back another time with more hacks.

~Melanie Johnson

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