What Is A Full House Publisher?

May 13, 2020

When you’re ready to publish a book, you may find yourself overwhelmed by the options available. If you want your book to be its most successful, it’s important that you choose a full-service publishing house. That means you want a publisher that offers marketing, branding, and publishing. 

Successful Publishers Provide Marketing, Branding, and Publishing

Marketing & Branding

It should come as no surprise that once you publish a book, it’s not going to sell itself. This is especially important if you’re using your book as a marketing tool in and of itself. (For more information on how to use your book as a business card, click here!) A team of marketing gurus is essential to your book’s success. That means keyword research, picking the best categories, and developing a publishing campaign that will get media attention. 

As an author, you want everything from your book cover, blurb, and website to represent your brand and catch the eye of readers.  Want to know more about branding? Click here!

A great publisher will ensure your book is positioned in the marketplace for continued success. This isn’t an easy task and it requires those experienced in marketing books, SEO optimization, keywords, categories, and more. 

Social Media Optimization

Once your marketing campaign is developed and your new brand in place, it’s time that your publisher assists in optimizing your social media accounts. It can even be argued that this is one of the most important steps as we live in a day and age where most marketing occurs via social media. Your publisher will optimize your account and your post, rebranding you as an author. This also includes your Amazon Author Page and any other online presence you may have. 

They will land opportunities for press releases and other potential events. 

Full Distribution

A full house publisher will also make sure that everyone gets a chance to read your book. What does that mean? Well, here at Elite Online Publishing, we distribute our client’s books across multiple platforms, including Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble, and more! For more information on why it’s important to not only publish on Amazon, click here. 

We also publish on all formats, including audiobooks, hardback, paperback, and ebook. 

At Elite Online Publishing, we take this a step further and guarantee our clients reach #1 Bestseller. It is our goal that our client’s see success with both their book and their business. This can come in the form of speaking gigs, book signings, increased clients and revenue. Your dream is our dream. 


Contact us today for more information on how we can make your book a bestseller!



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