Getting Your Best Sleep with James Swanwick

October 31, 2022

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview James Swanwick about how an alcohol free lifestyle can affect your sleep schedule. 

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to quit drinking.
  • How to change your mindset.
  • How to get a good nights sleep.


“We need to rewire the mindset around alcohol. Instead of looking at it as something that we desire and that we worship, we associate it with fun and with celebration or with stress relief, we need to rewire the brain and look at it for what it truly is, which is attractively packaged poison.” (4:25)

“You’re gonna seek comfort by having a couple of drinks each night, but then as soon as you remove that, And now you’ve got clarity and focus.” (12:40)

“Studies have shown that if you drink within a few hours of bedtime, then you will have compromised sleep. No question. Because think about it. When you drink alcohol, your body doesn’t relax.” (15:55)

About James Swanwick:

James Swanwick is an Australian-American investor, entrepreneur, speaker, health coach and former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN and host of The James Swanwick Show podcast.

He is the creator of blue-light blocking glasses Swannies from Swanwick Sleep, which helps people sleep better; and the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge, which helps people reduce or quit alcohol. Forbes magazine voted him one of the Top 25 Networking Experts.

Learn More Here

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