Use Social Media To Attract More Leads With Gracie Ruth

July 8, 2019

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster interview social media expert Gracie Ruth about how to Attract, Connect, Engage in Conversations & Grow your Business online.

Gracie partners with companies and individuals to grow their audience with social media and expand their reach using Facebook ads and Messenger marketing so they can stand out from the competition, connect and engage in conversations with clients and prospects, generate leads and grow their business.

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Show Notes-

  • The first thing you do is make your profile uniform in who you are/represent
  • The second thing is to know your ideal client
  • The third step is don’t just post Business, Business, Business make it a variety


“In today’s marketing world, what you need is social media.” (3:10)
“Your Social Media should be about 30% business, maybe 20%, current events, and  the rest, personal but not personal like saying, Oh, this is what I had for breakfast, but more like an inspirational quote, or talking about current events, in a positive way.” (7:20)
“On Facebook a lot of people seem to leave their cover photo empty for some reason, that that’s prime real estate that we should be using” (26:50)

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