How to Market Yourself as a Thought Leader

August 27, 2021

How to Market Yourself as a Thought Leader

Before we talk about marketing an idea, let’s make sure we define our terms. A “Thought Leader” is a person, brand, or organization that (officially, or unofficially) becomes an influencer within a specific topic. This person understands the topic thoroughly, enough to be an educator on a large platform. On top of this, thought leaders share their expertise, news, and views with others in the industry.

Thought leaders aren’t only promoting their own thoughts, either. It’s about pushing the greatest and latest truth forward. When it is original or adjusted content, it’s possible to get it to the public for a low cost, if not for free.

1. Share, post, and become an active, personal voice all over social media

Social media is not an option anymore; that is, if you want to grow your business or agenda. People want to see your face weekly, even daily. Casual Instagram stories with the combination of professionally planned and designed grid feed makes for a successful and trustworthy-appearing brand on social media. Consumers see this theme as believable, rather than being too stuffy, or too unprofessional. The key is to be active!

2. Share in the successes of your thought leader industry partners and peers

Retweet those articles, and give your two-cents. Give shoutouts and celebratory opinions when others put out their work. Part of what people will follow you for is not just for YOUR thoughts, but for those that you subscribe to.

3. Interact with your audience

One of the easiest ways to promote and position your own brand is to get deeply connected with your audience. Make a Q&A series a regular happening on all platforms. 

4. Start a podcast and invite guests on weekly

Interview other thought leaders in your industry, and have them post about your podcast episode to reach their audience! Don’t forget to post the episode to your blog, too.

5. Create valuable content

This feels like an obvious step, but it’s arguably the most crucial. Even while in the midst of the marketing monsoon, it’s always best to keep working on your content. Provide thought-provoking questions and advice. Challenge your audience! Have an opinion worth standing behind, and sharing. Others will respect that, and join you- or start up a conversation at the very least. Take every opposition as an opportunity to show your patience, confidence, and integrity, as becoming a thought leader can paint a target on your back, too.

Interested in using your new book to become a thought leader? Learn more about how Elite Online Publishing can promote you to BESTSELLING status, raising you to the tier of your industry, immediately! Visit our Services: Marketing and Bestselling Book Campaign

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