Increase Your Clicks With Video Done Right

April 6, 2018

The use of videos can greatly enhance your website with video. However, they can be a waste of time if they aren’t added and set up properly. Turn your videos into sales versus frustrations with these easy tips.

First and most obviously, your video should appear prominently on your homepage. However, setting it up to sell takes a few steps.

  1. Use a customized thumbnail that had a captivation headline.
    • Give people an obvious reason to click play!
    • Use eye-catching colors and photos.
  2. Script the video so it offers real value to the visitor.
    • Does it satisfy a need?
    • Does it answer a burning question?
    • Does it impart wisdom they may be seeking about your profession?
  3. Make your videos user-friendly across all platforms.
    • People today are searching more and more from their phone.
    • Encode it properly to play so that it is easily visible on mobile devices.
    • Test it your self to be sure you aren’t missing out on that opportunity.
  4. Give your video a call to action button.
    • Help people take action.
    • Make sure they will get value from taking action!
    • Make to next step easy by setting it up so they can click through to take action.
      • Purchase your product
      • Sign up for your newsletter
      • Set up a meeting
      • Any action you desire

So many websites get visitors but lose them because they have no call to action. Capture their attention and gain their business with a great call to action!

Stay tuned for more simple success tips!

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