Insider Tips for Self-Publishing Success with Author Patrick Donohue

March 22, 2024

Join Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, as they interview Patrick Donohue, a bestselling author who shares insights on writing, publishing, and marketing books. Patrick discusses his journey of writing his book, “Breakout Valuation,” and the impact it has had on his business and brand.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Self Publishing Process

  • Bestseller Status and Marketing Strategies

  • Having A Call to Action


“The one thing I would say, it is so important to have a coach, a consultant, an agency, a firm, whatever it is, it’s so important to have someone come along the ride and to help with that, because I spun my wheels quite a bit when I was left on my own. And so having you guys alongside is super important for authors.” (04:46)

“I’m not a professional author. There was never a grandiose idea that I was going to make my living off of writing and selling books. It was really to get a lot of my knowledge around finance out into the world.” (07:32)

“A lot of authors, business authors like me are really doing this to be able to hand this book to somebody when I’m speaking at a conference or whatever, because it’s not so much the money of selling the book. That’s great. That’s gravy. But a lot of times I’m handing this to people and that’s a great point because it would be nice to have that, be easy to be able to.” (11:35)

About Patrick Donohue:

Patrick E. Donohue, an entrepreneur and valuation expert, embarked on his financial journey with a lemonade stand at age four and invested in Coca-Cola shares by age ten. Equipped with a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, Patrick has emerged as a reliable investor, adept stock analyst, and valuable advisor to various entrepreneurial endeavors. As the visionary founder of Hill Capital Corporation, a private investment fund supporting emerging growth companies, he brings a wealth of unique insights into the intricacies of finance and business dynamics.

Patrick’s dedication extends to serving on the boards of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization of Minnesota and the CFA Society of Minnesota, and he’s the driving force behind the creation of 1 Million Cups Eden Prairie. Connect with Patrick at to tap into his wealth of experience and expertise.

Learn More Here

Breakout Valuation

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