Leadership With Karin Hurt and David Dye

July 26, 2021

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Karin Hurt and David Dye, authors of Winning Well and Courageous Cultures, about how to become a leader in your business and in your everyday life.

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The 5 Concepts That You Can’t Lead Without:

  1. Confidence and Humility
  2. Focus on results in relationships
  3. The M.I.T. (Most Important Thing)
  4. Check for understanding
  5. Scheduling the finish


“If we’re making a decision, we’re either deciding about where we’re going, or how we’re going to get there, we’re not doing both at the same time.” (11:58)

“If it’s a longer assignment, like say, a six month type of a project, schedule some checkins where we are bringing something to that, and that alleviates the need for us to constantly be feeling worried because we know what’s happening, we both do.” (15:35)

“This is where we took these hardlines, guidelines, and your lines, she came up with the parameters, communicated with her team, everybody relaxed, and they were more efficient, because she wasn’t getting pulled into things she didn’t need to be.” (18:15)

About Karin Hurt & David Dye:

Karin is a former Verizon Wireless executive, and an Inc. Magazine Great Leadership Speaker. She inspires and guides leaders with Live Leadership Development programs; her weekly video blog, Asking For a Friend; and four books

David’s flair for bringing clarity to complex topics is rooted in decades of experience as an executive and elected official. His Live Leadership Development programsLeadership Without Losing Your Soul podcast, and four books provide practical plans for human-centered leadership.

After a while, they realized they were writing the same book, so they decided to collaborate. Karin and David wrote their first book, Winning Well: A Manager’s Guide to Getting Results Without Losing Your Soul. Soon after the book was complete, they realized they had fallen in love somewhere along the way. They got married and merged their businesses.

Now they help human-centered leaders (like you) resolve workplace ambiguity and chaos so that you can drive innovation, productivity, and revenue without burning out employees.

Learn More Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/Tbu4x24-ujg

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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