Learning The Power of Food Prep with Amy Lawrence

August 8, 2022

Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Amy Lawrence about her new book “The Power of Food Prep” and how her method has changed her eating habits for life. 

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to reheat food.
  • How to have no food waste.
  • How to minimize your cooking time.


A lot of people have heard about the big cook day, which everybody dreads. But my favorite way to do food prep is every time you make something, you double or triple it. So that you have plenty of it for months to come. (5:43)

“I am one of those cooks that likes to do everything by hand, the slow method, typically, but the Instapot keeps the meat so tender and it’s so quick.” (15:26)

“Don’t get overwhelmed with my method. When you read the book, there are three different ways to food prep pick. And I, suggest you cook three times a week, but if that’s too much for you. Then just cook once a week and you can slowly build up your freezer.” (17:37)

About Amy Lawrence:

Amy Lawrence is the CEO of Gourmet Done Skinny, where she empowers foodies and family cooks to rise above mediocre and become masterful in the kitchen. Dedicated to helping families avoid the dread of eating boring, bland meals, Amy is passionate about teaching other foodies how to make healthy gourmet meals to enjoy today, preserve, and freeze for another day.

Her signature Gourmet Done Skinny Meal Method blends the efficiency of meal planning and prep with the creativity and fun of Amy’s signature recipes to create flavorful, satisfying, nutritious meals that can make the cook of the house feel like a gourmet chef. The result is less food waste, greater savings on the grocery and take-out food bill, noticeable weight loss, and improved efficiency in the kitchen.

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About The Book “The Power of Food Prep”:

If you’re like most busy people who often resort to ordering out or paying too much at restaurants when you’re too exhausted to cook, there’s a better way. With meal planning and prep, you can have healthy, gourmet, home-cooked meals everyday by cooking only a few days a week. You don’t have to be a “Type A” person and have every meal planned out on the calendar for this to work for you. You don’t have to spend a fortune on kitchen gadgets or spend hours on the weekend cooking for the week.

Find The Book Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/npYGEEYf8OM

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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