Living A Life Well Lived With James McEachin

December 6, 2021

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview James McEachin about his experience as a veteran of the Korean War, an accomplished actor, and an award-winning author of his new book Swing Low My Sweet Chariot. 

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • The experience of a war veteran.
  • The experience of a music producer.
  • The experience of a Hollywood actor.
  • The experience of an author.


“I think psychologically, something snapped that said, I’m not going to do this, but I just forced myself into doing it.” (6:10)

“I just didn’t like the music business because it was a terrible, horrible, and cheap. Somebody was always robbing somebody out of something.” (17:02)

“Now you got to be careful in Hollywood, with people like that, because, you know, all movies aren’t honorable. So I had my fist up ready to punch the guy. You got to be ready. I learned that much from being in the Army.” (22:14)

About James McEachin:

James McEachin is a Silver Star, Purple Heart veteran of the Korean War, an accomplished actor, and an award-winning author. Known as “Jimmy Mack” in the music industry, McEachin was a producer, songwriter, and eventually owner of the record label Mack IV best known for the doo-wop group, The Furys. Because of his long-held moniker in the industry, some speculate James McEachin to be the Jimmy Mack Martha (Reeves) and the Vandellas cried for in their hit song.

McEachin, having appeared in nearly 200 movies and television shows, is perhaps best known for his roles on Perry Mason, Matlock, Play Misty for Me, First Monday, and his NBC series Tenafly. He has authored six novels, multiple screenplays, and his one-man play, entitled Above the Call; Beyond the Duty which opened at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. The two-hour play has been seen in places as far away as Kuwait.

In 2005 McEachin was appointed a US Army Reserve Ambassador and spent his free time speaking to soldiers, veterans, and America. In late 2006 he produced the film-short Old Glory, a film short for the soldier, veteran, and patriot in us all. He continues to speak for the veterans who may no longer have a voice to speak for themselves.

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Find His New Book Here

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