Maica D. Walker Hit #1 Amazon Best-Seller List

December 9, 2015



Maica D. Walker Hit #1 Amazon Best-Seller List with “Own Your S#!t in 30 Days: A Daily Guide to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs, Stop Blaming Others, Become Your Empowered Ideal Self, and Build Your Purposeful Legacy.”


Certified Estate Planner and Financial Advisor Maica D. Walker, recently hit THREE National best-seller lists with the new book Own Your S#!t in 30 Days: A Daily Guide to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs, Stop Blaming Others, Become Your Empowered Ideal Self, and Build Your Purposeful Legacy.”


Houston, TX–Wednesday, December 09, 2015 – Maica D. Walker recently joined the best-selling authors on Her book titled, “Own Your S#!t in 30 Days: A Daily Guide to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs, Stop Blaming Others, Become Your Empowered Ideal Self, and Build Your Purposeful Legacy”, was released on October 27th by – the nation’s #1 place to buy books.


Maica D. Walker has written a daily guide for each of us who has decided that it is time to stop running from any confusion about who we are and/or from what we stand for.  The reader, whom the book reaches, realizes that he/she must face fears, must choose what the future holds, create new goals, and take responsibility for who he, or she, is.  In essence, this daily guide’s purpose is to help you redefine who you are and to help you become a more successful you.


On the day of release, Own Your S#!t in 30 Days: A Daily Guide to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs, Stop Blaming Others, Become Your Empowered Ideal Self, and Build Your Purposeful Legacy” started its upward movement towards best-seller status in two categories with its October 27th release and has reached #1 best-seller status in: “Business Consulting” and “Business Teams.”




finalcovershotsquaresmallAbout Maica D. Walker:

Maica D. Walker is a Certified Estate Planner and has been a financial advisor in practice for over 17 years.  She works with clients in helping them establish, build, maintain, and transfer their legacies so that their wishes can be carried out.


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