Manifest Your Best Life with Wendy Louise Gerhardt

August 16, 2021

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Wendy Louise Gerhardt about how to achieve the life and success you desire.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to know what meditation works for you.
  • How to gain control over your life.
  • How to shift your mindset.


“The only way you get to there is by focusing on the now.” (12:49)

“If you want something more, then you’re going to have to learn how to overcome the fear, how to deal with being uncomfortable, and going into the unknown, so that you create your life.” (17:06)

“If you don’t believe what you sell, nobody else will.” (25:01)

About Wendy Louise Gerhardt:

Wendy was tired of getting mediocre results, working 14+ hour days, and living in fear and despair. She set out to find the answers. She consumed book after book, course after course, and coach after coach and still she was left wondering why she wasn’t reaching the success that she knew she was capable of achieving.

Until Wendy found herself with a significant medical injury and diagnosis that flipped her life upside down. Yet, it was the best thing that ever happened to her. This life-altering event was the fuel she needed to dig deeper. It was through her recovery that she uncovered the key to unlocking success in every area of her life. The miraculous thing is, it was within her all along. And, it is within you too.

After finding it, Wendy knew she had to help others uncover the pathway to their success too. She began to help hundreds of people reach their financial, career, and life goals from the inside out. She is passionate about this work, and can’t wait to help you uncover your own success from within.

Learn More Here

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