Money Mastery: Strategies for Achieving Financial Freedom with DJ The Money Coach

January 23, 2023

Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews DJ The Money Coach about how he motivates people to gain financial freedom.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to gain financial independence.
  • How to earn $8,333 a month.
  • How to pay off your home in 7-10 years.


“Here’s what the rule of 72 is. You take 72, the amount of interest that you’re earning, or most importantly, the amount of interest that you’re paying. Let’s say it’s 12. You divide 12 into 72, you get six. That means that your interest will double against you every six years if you are paying the minimum payment.” (7:55)

“Understand from a mortgage standpoint, most Americans biggest asset to wealth is their home. And then if they’re fortunate, like you and I, they get a small business, now they have a chance for multi-generational wealth.” (16:26)

“I would sit down with you first and foremost to see which road is best, when is the best time to just pay it off? When is the best time to use credit and get massive business credit lines, which we can show you how to do that interest free for 18 months up to a quarter million dollars. So it depends on the individual.” (22:43)

About DJ The Money Coach:

DJ is passionate about teaching and engaging audiences about overcoming financial hurdles as well as helping them gain wisdom, understanding, and power from the 7 Spheres of Money principles of success. He loves connecting with people who want to challenge their beliefs and habits to grow their wealth and create financial independence. His team and DJ are committed to producing a workshop or presentation that fits the needs that you have today.

Learn More Here

Learn How to Get a 6 Figure Income, 800 Credit Score, and Finally be Debt Free in 2023 with Back to Basics Bundle for 90% off with DJ The Money Coach

Secret Of Wealth Webinar

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