Unleashing the Power of Repurposing Your Content with Tamara Thompson

January 16, 2023

Melanie Johnson co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Tamara Thomson about how to think through you’re content and how it works on different platforms to turn your brand into a success.  

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to plan out your social media strategy.
  • How to choose which platform to optimize.
  • How to repurpose your podcast.


“What we always suggest is to at least post Monday through Friday once a day, and we always suggest to our clients, post something fun on the weekends, post something that relates to your audience.” (11:51)

“Our team repurposes the content into profound quotes or statements from the guest or the host. So it’s both. So it leverage them as the authority on the show, which then they’ll both wanna share it out, not just the host, but also the guest, right? So they’re recruiting micro content from quote graphics and imagery as well.” (16:21)

“If you want to have people that pay attention to the content going out there too. The messaging needs to resinate, you have to have those detailed people and yeah, and it’s just one of those things that’s when you’re building something like a podcast, how can you market it? How can you be everywhere?” (22:48)

About Tamara Thomson:

Founder of Broadcast Your Authority, Keynote Speaker, and award-winning director who found her niche with inspiring storytelling through high-quality video production. Tamara started her career producing for corporate clients such as Safeway, Gabrielle Cosmetics, and Microsoft.

Tamara saw the need to SHIFT and help entrepreneurs and small businesses to gain access to the knowledge, training, and skills she learned alongside the big brands. She has since redirected her passion to serve entrepreneurs and small business owners to help them get their message out into the world through video podcasting and massive visibility through content marketing.

Learn More Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/tZCRFOo3YX4

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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