Use Podcast Interviews to Market your Book

June 17, 2022

If you’re a business owner who has written a book, you know that marketing it can be a challenge. But don’t fret – using a podcast to market your book is an easy and effective way to get the word out there. In this post, we’ll discuss some tips for doing just that. So read on and learn how you can use a podcast to market your masterpiece!

You may want to start your own podcast or hire a professional to help you produce the podcast. An easier way to promote your book is to be interviewed on other people’s podcasts. It is an easy way to market your book and get more readers. Here at Elite Online Publishing, Jenn and Melanie enjoy hosting the Elite Expert Insider podcast by interviewing experts. Now it’s time for Melanie and Jenn to be interviewed on other people’s podcasts. If you have done a few interviews, you can always do more.

The Elite Team recently attended Podfest and Vidcon Event in Orlando, FL, in May of 2022 and learned the latest in podcasting, video, and social media marketing. Here are the top three takeaways from the conference.

  1. BRANDING: When you are branding and making your business brand, you want to integrate it with your personal brand. People want to buy from a person, not a corporation. Be your authentic self.  Take your business and your personal brand and merge them together. 
  2. NICHE: Own your niche and find your niche whether it’s podcasting, whether it’s your book, whether it’s your business, or whatever you want to do, find what you’re really passionate about and make people know about it. Awesome. Yeah,
  3. CONNECTION: When you are interviewed on the podcast you need to connect with the audience. Have a free giveaway and opt-in from your website for the audience.

If you’re an author, promoting your book can feel like a daunting task. But there is one strategy that stands above the rest when it comes to getting your name out there and that’s podcasting as a guest. Appearing on other people’s podcasts will help get your message in front of new listeners who may not have heard of you before. And the great thing about podcasting is that it gives you a chance to connect with potential readers on a more personal level. So what are you waiting for? Register today at and apply to be a guest on podcasts. We promise you won’t regret it!

Check out Elite’s podcast, Elite Expert Insider on iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere else you can listen to podcasts. Subscribe and leave a comment, we’d love to hear from you.


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