Preparing Your Business For 2021 With Marty Park

December 21, 2020

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Marty Park about his book Tiger by the Tail – 99 Secrets to Tame and Master Your Business and how to overcome covid and prepare for the new year. 

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode

  • How to think out of the box.
  • How to market your company during Covid.
  • How to use Zoom to your advantage.


“I find the clients who have created a little bit of space, or almost created a bit of a mastermind, whether it’s with friends or reaching out, but they’ve got people to kind of bounce ideas off of, they have the ability to be a little more adaptive and strategic.” (5:49)

“I hate to suggest go and spend a bunch of money in marketing. Although I do know that AdWords and being able to capitalize on some of the search that’s happening for every product, you have to get out in front of that, now you have to pull from a couple of different states, it can’t just be your city or your county, but you got to cast the net bigger.” (8:25)

“You have to think about entrepreneurship, as you’ve created an ecosystem, you have staff, you have customers, you have a community, you have vendors, you’re trying to keep that whole ecosystem alive, but sometimes you have to lay off some of those people short term to maintain that ecosystem so that you can still keep your business long term.” (15:57)

About Marty Park:

Marty Park has owned and operated 13 companies in 6 industries since he was 21 years old. His first company was a technology startup, after which he ventured into audio production, retail, the hospitality industry and most recently advertising/marketing. He has been a crucial player in all phases of start-up and growth, including corporate strategy, sales, marketing, operations and finances. His new book, Tiger by the Tail – 99 Secrets to Tame and Master Your Business, has launched recently.

Marty was awarded the Business Coach of the Year for North America and the Recipient for Global Contribution to the coaching profession. Marty has also been selected as one of Calgary’s Top 40 under 40. Marty was awarded the CYBF Canadian Mentor of the Year and selected as one of 18 entrepreneurs to represent Canada at the G20 Entrepreneur Summits in France, Mexico City and Russia.

Learn More Here

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