rhonda liebig

Rhonda Liebig – The Fitt Solution

June 6, 2017

Rhonda Liebig – The Fitt Solution

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson interview Rhonda Liebig on the iTunes Podcast – Elite Expert Insider.

Rhonda has dedicated her life to helping people step into their authentic path to accelerated connection to their re-balance and re-vitalize vibrant journey. As an AADP Certified Health Coach, Author, Business Owner, Podcaster (Freedom, Play & Fun) and CPA (inactive now), Rhonda specializes in helping people break through their biggest health road blocks and sabotages.

Rhonda’s FITT(c) Coaching Approach is centered in three areas “The De-Sabotage Method(c)”, “Ultra Specific Plate Plan Formula(c)” and “Organ Meridian Workout Approach(c)”. Rhonda believes that most fail in their goals because they are missing or not applying correctly “The Energy Revitalize Pillars(c)”; eating for high energy, daily stress strategies for clean thinking, and workouts that clear stagnate energy. Plus the proof is in her client’s results, living throughout the U.S. from California to Florida and reaching abroad internationally.

Watch the PODCAST NOW on Apple Podcast or Stitcher Radio.

Or visit our PODCAST on our website.



rhonda liebig






To Learn more visit her website www.rhondaliebig.com

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