The Future of Real Estate—Virtual Success | with Olivia Ramos

March 23, 2020

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Olivia Ramos on the new virtual future of Real Estate, how to thrive as a start-up and continuing toward exceeding your expectations of success.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to take leaps of faith in your career
  • The future of Real Estate
  • Channel innovation and creativity
  • How to get your business started—use your passion to motivate you to keep going and reach your goals
  • How to approach and get money from investors


“I think it’s it’s it’s important to just take a leap of faith and apply to things that seem interesting and different.” (2:55)

“Once you start doing these leaps, it becomes second nature and you end up going to places you never thought you would be.”  (5:08)

“So that’s the first thing and then a good strategy on talking to investors is pick investors that understand what you’re doing — it doesn’t matter if people are very wealthy, they’re not going to invest in you unless they have a passion for what you’re doing. I think that’s something that a lot of founders don’t realize until they go through the process.” (9:47)

About Olivia Ramos:

Olivia is a graduate of Singularity University, a participant in the DARPA Innovation House, and holds two Master’s degrees – one in Architecture from Columbia University and another in Real Estate Development from the University of Miami.

Olivia Ramos is an entrepreneur, founder, and CEO of Deepblocks, an artificial intelligence platform consolidating all the tools and processes needed to analyze any real estate project. She is a graduate of all three Singularity University Global Startup Programs, GSP, Incubator, and Accelerator, and was the only woman participant in the DARPA Innovation House Program. Olivia holds a Master’s of Architecture from Columbia University, a Master’s of Real Estate Development from the University of Miami, a Bachelor’s in Architecture from the University of Florida, and a degree from Design and Architecture Senior High.

Find out more here.

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