Unleashing the Ironman Mindset in Business with Steven Pivnik

April 8, 2024

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Steven Pivnik, an Ironman athlete and successful entrepreneur, on the parallels between training for an Ironman and running a business—emphasizing the importance of planning, perseverance, and assembling a winning team to cross the finish line.

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • Planning for an Ironman

  • Constructing a Team

  • Preparing for Business Growth


“So I think I came up with the term entrepreneurship is an endurance sport. The more I got into my endurance sports journey, whether it was triathlon ultra marathons. or mountaineering, I found that there’s a lot of similarities. All the planning, perseverance, execution, pivots, setbacks, stamina that’s required.” (02:43)

“You should really look for a head of sales that’s worked for at least a 40, if not 50 million company. So he or she can take a look at your organization and really progress it to the next level. (06:34)

“As we continue to scale, you know, stock options became unnecessary just another form of sharing the wealth and really making sure that everybody benefits when the founders and majority shareholders of the company benefits.” (12:36)

About Steven Pivnik:

Steven Pivnik is a sought-after keynote speaker, best-selling author, business advisor, and serial entrepreneur specializing in the Information Technology market. He grew his last company, Binary Tree, to over 200 employees across twelve countries before a successful exit to a 4-billion-dollar competitor, Quest Software.

When he’s not on the keynote stage or climbing one of the seven summits, Steven advises other founders and entrepreneurs looking for a similar corporate growth and company sale journey. To achieve success, whether in business or in life, it takes more than just skills and resources. You need a focused, determined mindset and unwavering commitment to finishing. For Steven, this mindset has been the key to his legendary success and continues to drive him to new heights.

Learn More Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/S_Vg6GvOyjU?si=5A3VrghplK1safKd

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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