Invisible Evil Fiction Thriller Book With Wes Oleszewski

January 21, 2019

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson speak with Wes Oleszewski about how to make money by being a full time author.

Wes Oleszewski has authored 25 books since 1991 including his current six-book series “Growing up with Spaceflight.” Born and raised in mid-Michigan he spent most of his life with an eye turned toward the sky and spaceflight.

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Show Notes-

  • Your book will never be perfect in your own eyes.
  • Selling your book online means it will never expire.
  • The best way to sell books is to treat it like a product.


“The way you invent characters is you think of people that you know, in twos and then take those two and mush them together to make one individual.” (5:53)
“This is a job, your book is not your firstborn child. It is a product to be sold.” (10:53)

“Royalties are interesting because they come from books sold, they never expire. They don’t go bad on the shelf.” (13:36)

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