Why Every Author Should Have A Website

October 30, 2020

Why Every Author Should Have A Website

Creating a promotional space online can seem daunting, but the pro’s far outnumber the con’s! Here’s a list of features and benefits an author website will add to your campaign strategy:

Market Your Book – A website or landing page is one of the easiest and cheapest selling tools for your book. It also establishes the book’s online identity. We recommend a page for your media/press kit so media channels can easily reach you (i.e. A book store selling sheet so bookstores will order your book easily).

Introduce Yourself – A website makes you look professional to your audience. You are able to connect with new and old readers in a more personal way, in addition to giving them a place to find contact information.

Grow Your Email List – Help grow your sales with an opt-in form on your website.

Educate & Engage – You can write blog posts that will educate and engage your readers. Blog posts also boost your website’s SEO!

Exposure & Announcements – Give potential readers a place to find your book. It highlights your story and your book. It’s an online hub for every event you speak at, every award your book receives, etc. It also announces upcoming events, releases, special sales, events, and fundraisers.

An author website can reach beyond the bookshelf to help you generate more business and build your fan base. At Elite Online Publishing, we believe one of the most crucial steps in creating future success for our authors is picking the right type of website their audience will experience.

Types of websites Elite offers:

Information Website – Our “Info” website delivers information to your customers about you, your brand, your business, and/or your services and/or products.

Lead Page Website – Our “Lead Page” Website is a powerful marketing tool designed to generates leads, allowing you to grow sales and increase revenues.

eComm Shopping Website – Our “eComm Shopping” Website provides an e-commerce solution that allows you to sell digital and/or physical products online.

Top 12 things an author website does for you.

  1. Gives potential readers a place to find your book.
  2. It’s a selling tool for your book.
  3. It highlights your story and your book.
  4. Makes you look professional.
  5. You connect with your readers in a more personal way.
  6. It will grow your email list to help grow your sales with an opt-in form on your website.
  7. You can write blog posts that will engage your audience.
  8. You can feature your media/press kit so media can easily reach you.
  9. You can add a book store selling sheet so bookstores will order your book easily.
  10. It establishes the book’s online identity.
  11. You can announce special sales, events, and fundraisers.
  12. It’s an online hub for everything that you and your book does.

Click Here to view our Author Website Portfolio.

Contact us today to have Elite Online Publishing build your website.

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