How to Sell Partnerships in Your Book

November 25, 2022

You don’t have to wait until your book is published before you can start earning from it. Explore the possibility of selling partnerships or advertising space within a dedicated part of the book that is typically called the “Partner Section” or “Affiliate Section.”

The opportunity to get featured in a book, even on just one page, is attractive to more individuals and organizations than you might think. After all, the book will be sold or downloaded thousands of times and it’s bound to reach their target audience. The brand visibility and audience reach that your book could provide is priceless.

Here are three effective ways to sell partnerships in your upcoming book:

1. Determine Where You Will Put the Affiliate and Partner Ads

The first thing you have to determine is where you want to put the ad space.

There’s no absolute rule stating where you should put affiliate and partner ads. However, you want readers to focus on your words and ideas first. This is why some authors and publishers choose to leave a partner section at the very end of the book.

Be strategic about ad placement so you can maximize profit. For example, you can maximize the inside front cover and inside back cover by selling ads for a slightly higher price than the actual partner section.

2. Create Scarcity and Exclusivity by Limiting Your Affiliates

Although selling partnerships are an effective way to start earning from your book before it gets published, be careful not to overdo your efforts. You don’t want to publish a book that is half-filled with ads. This might not sit well with your target audience.

Moreover, the scarcity of ad spaces would raise the demand for it.

Let’s say you announced that you’re limiting your book to 10 sponsors who would each receive an entire page to introduce their brand and advertise their products or services. The limited slots create scarcity that add value to your ad spaces and raise their prices.

Of course, you also want to limit your partners and affiliates to those with a good reputation.

3. Be Careful with the Partners and Affiliates You Choose

The partner section isn’t meant to look like ads in a newspaper. Rather, it features a blurb about each partner, explaining who they are, what they do, and why they’re relevant to the audience who’s reading your book. For this reason, you want to choose partners that are aligned with your values and strengthen your connection with readers.

More importantly, you want potential partners that add value to your book. This could either be through their own products or, simply, with their brand reputation.

Choose partners that you trust and that your audience can place their confidence in.

Interested in selling partnerships in your book? Elite Online Publishing has you covered. With our knowledge and experience, we can help you market and sell your book to bring success to your brand and business. Reach out today!

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