[Children’s Book Release] How the Sailfish Got its Name by JT Jester

August 23, 2022

We are excited to announce the new book by JT Jester “How the Sailfish Got its Name

TODAY ONLY, the Kindle eBook is only $1.99. Head over to Amazon and order your eBook for yourself or a friend. Hurry before the price goes back to the regular price.

Share this link:  https://amzn.to/3PuQ9yZ

International Link: https://authorexperts.club/show-book/B0B9RDZK83


A marine life “Fish Story” where imagination comes alive for children of all ages.

Marine life will come alive with the story of the sailfish in this adventurous children’s book. Off the coast of Florida, a sailor is enjoying the sea, when something unexpected happens. A strong wind blows the sail into the water.

Introducing colorful fish like the barracuda, sailfish, and jellyfish.

Your child’s imagination is encouraged with colorful illustrations which offer instant child appeal. An easy and fun read, explore this ocean “fish tail” behind how the sailfish got its name. Written by author JT Jester, who has dyslexia and wrote this story at seven years old.


JT Jester is a bestselling author, motivational speaker, and inspiring podcast host. The High Point University graduate is the author of two other books, Untether: Inspiration for Living Free and Strong No Matter What the Challenge, and No Bad Days: How to Find Joy in Any Circumstance. When JT isn’t fishing for sailfish in the Florida Keys or doing something else adventurous, he is running his foundation in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

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Click Here to get your copy for only $1.99 today.

PS – It would be a super extra favor to the author if you had the time to write a review of the book on Amazon. We will look for feedback on what you thought about the book and the biggest benefit you received from the book.

Click Here to leave a review.

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