Dating in Your 50s | with Lisa Copeland

October 14, 2019

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster interview dating expert, Lisa Copeland, for tips on dating in and beyond your 50s.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • Understanding what you really want in a partner.
  • Figuring out how your life has changed by this age and adjusting accordingly. You aren’t looking for the same relationship you were 30 years ago.
  • Become confident navigating the new dating world.
  • Understanding that you have choices in dating and what type of relationships will work best for you at this stage in your life.


” I wanted women to feel they could have the tools, the strategies, and  the support so they didn’t go through what I went through. ” (3:40)
“In our 20s we’re looking to build our lives—but when your over 50, what you actually want is a companion. But what we do is, we go out there and and we look for the guy we were looking for in our 20’s, and so that’s why over 50 statement can be so difficult because you’re not on the right page for what you want to be looking for. It’s not about making babies anymore. It’s about companionship, fun and support.” (4:50)
“So how do you look for someone? Well, number one, when I work with women, I help them get a really clear vision of who they want. I think that’s the most important thing because most people are afraid of failing again. ” (8:20)
“Where you have to start is, by putting foundation pieces inside yourself. First, you want to get your confidence in place that is super huge.” (12:25)

About Lisa:

Lisa Copeland is a leading, internationally recognized expert and dating coach for women over 50. She is the author of The Winning Dating Formula For Women Over 50 and is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post/50, The Huffington Post Women, The Examiner and Tribune News Services newspapers. Her website, was named one of the Top 5 Online Dating Services by The Examiner and one of the 10 Best Senior Dating Blogs by She hosts the weekly radio show, “You Can Find Love After 50,” on Going Solo Network Radio.

Lisa has appeared on Huffington Post Live with Dr. Ruth and Katie Couric mentioned Lisa’s Huffington Post article about the difficulties alpha females have finding love in her interview on her show with the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patty Stanger.

Married twice, once to her college sweetheart and once on the rebound, Lisa found true love after 50 with a quality man applying all the lessons she now teaches in her book, products and to her coaching clients.

Find out more: Click here.

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