Why Every Lawyer Needs a Book

May 27, 2020

As a lawyer, you’ve probably experienced the fierce competition that exists in your field. It can be difficult to set yourself apart. That’s precisely why you need a book!

Every Lawyer Needs a Book — Here’s Why!

Beat the Competition – Be a Bestselling Author and Successful Attorney

When battling your way through the many ads and websites of lawyers in the area, you need something to help you stand out among the rest. What better way to do this than have a book published. Not only that, but how does the title “#1 Bestselling Author” sound? It sounds professional, right? When it comes to legal matters, shopping around is key, and future clients will be looking for the most experienced and reputable lawyer they can choose. Being a bestselling author increases your reputation greatly.

Publishing a book can seem daunting though. Where do you begin? What exactly do you write about? You’ll need to find a subject that exhibits your credibility the most. Once you’ve nailed that down, you’d be surprised at the amount of content you already have. Whether this content is from blog posts, emails, texts, or essays from college.

Here at Elite Online Publishing, all of our authors become bestselling authors. Want more information? Check out these testimonials! Not only that, but we’re here to help you in your journey. Need help writing your book? We got you. We have a team of writers and editors ready to develop your ideas into a book!

Share Your Journey and Connect

Okay, unless your reader is a law student or something interested in law, they probably want to read about more than just legal matters. They want to hear YOUR story. What is your experience? How did you find success? This is a great time to establish your credibility and show that you are relatable and inspiring. This will not only help you reach out to potential clients, but it’s also going to open doors to speaking opportunities, interviews, and more! Weave together your story, experience, and proof of expertise and you’ll have a book that will create a Return on Investment for years to come!

Want more information about how publishing a book creates an ROI? Click here!

Build Credibility and Display Your Expertise

We’ve gone over this quite a bit, but it’s one of the most important reasons you’re publishing a book. You want the reader to know you are the expert. They might not even read your book, but just by holding it and seeing that you are a #1 Bestseller, they’re going to know that you are an expert in your field.

Because of laws preventing sharing information about clients, you may find it hard to display this. Use made up scenarios or reference popular cases and evaluate them. The options are truly endless.

Are you ready to expand your career? Contact us at Elite Online Publishing today to set up a consultation.


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