Expand Your Business using LinkedIn | with Scott Kaveny

October 21, 2019

Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster interview a LinkedIn expert, Scott Kaveny, where he shares his expertise in growing your LinkedIn and using it to expand your business like never before! Learn how to utilize LinkedIn and how it can impact your business growth.

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to generate Leads and Revenue using LinkedIn.
  • Targeting specific people to target for your business.
  • Making Connections:
    • Start with people you know until you have at least 10 connections.
    • Expand your network through the second degree (people who are connected to your connections).
    • Identify your target market.
    • Target people with specific keywords in their titles.
    • Target people in specific industries that can relate to your business.
  • What type of messages to send to people/how to reach out to your connections.
  • Different tools you can use to be efficient with LinkedIn.


“I was looking for a way to switch careers, and be able to serve more people. Also, I’ve always been interested in the internet marketing and developing your online presence.” (2:00)
“It’s all about cultivation…The key with all this is to keep your messages short and to keep the messages very casual…Keep it short and sweet, as if your talking t oa very close friend.” (13:30)
“The more integrity you have when following up with people, talking to them, getting to know them, and providing them value— then they will not only be interested in what you have to say, but also tell other people they know about you.” (14:13)

About Scott:

Scott is on a mission to facilitate integrity, freedom, and balance for people using automation technology. After being in a career that never resonated with him in software engineering, he realized that the nine to five life didn’t work. Scott needed something that would give him more time with his family and allow him to pursue his dreams in competitive skiing. So, he quit his engineering job in December 2018 to make a permanent change in his life. Since then, Scott has worked with some of the top coaches in the entrepreneurship industry such as Anthony & Adrian Morrison, Loral Langemeier, Jeff Walker, etc.

He is the author of Grow Your Business Massively & Easily with Integrity Using LinkedIn Automation. In addition, Scott is a JV with Loral’s company, packed rooms with CEO Randy Tate’s iFlip investment AI (Algorithmic Intelligence) software for iflipinvest.com, grown his network from 574 people May 2018 to over 35,000 in June 2019, and co-worked with the companies that are at the top in the entrepreneurship industry that made over $450 million in sales in the past year. He has also taken part in mentorship with Loral in her Big Table program and is an Udemy Instructor.

Scott is a well sought-after joint venture partner for B2B and instructor for social media automation and is a Certified Life Coach and a ThetaHealing Practitioner.

Follow Scott: YouTube.com/channel/UCuo2e7gQJaR

Find out more: Click here.

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/6BYpZ4dl3DM

Website: http://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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