Functional Medicine With Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum

December 14, 2020

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum Co-Founder and CEO of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy (FMCA) about her book Stop Panic Attacks in 10 Easy Steps

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode

  • What Food triggers people with anxiety should be avoiding?
  • What is a functional medicine doctor?
  • How to trust your body.


“The brain has what we call neuroplasticity, we can change and every time we have a different thought, then that is creating a new pathway.” (6:15)

“You just don’t want to walk into your local drugstore or health food store and just pick up something off the shelf, you want to really consult with a nutritionist, or a functional medicine doctor who would really do the type of analysis to see exactly what you need.” (12:04)

“You want to start getting into that sense of trusting your body and powering down late at night.” (15:01)

About Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum:

Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum spent nearly five decades making healthcare and education more holistic and innovative. With a PhD in clinical psychology, Sandi specialized in positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mind-body medicine, and served as teacher and the director of a clinic for Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD). She is a pioneer in her fields, having implemented programs such as the use of neurofeedback with patients and becoming the first-ever psychologist to earn certification through The Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM).

Learn More Here

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