Improve Your Sales Skills With Joseph Fung

May 3, 2021

Melanie Johnson owner of Elite Online Publishing, interviews Joseph Fung about how to build and polish your sales skills in the tech industry.

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The Three Top Sales Practices:

  • How to connect authentically.
  • How to learn how to tell a story.
  • How to pick your battles.


“Less than 2% of colleges and universities have any kind of sales training, let alone a full degree.” (5:31)

“All of this data and technology means as sales professionals, we can make better decisions, whether you’re selling tech or not.” (12:29)

“Getting comfortable with the idea that your first sales reps have to by definition, sell differently than you do is going to unlock a ton of growth.” (18:51)

About Joseph Fung:

Helping technology businesses hire sales professionals who deliver from day one. Our live online sales training program gives our recruits an unfair advantage in today’s selling environment — our grads ramp faster, exceed quota more often, and already know how to use a modern tech sales stack.

Planning for growth? Consider connecting— Joseph would love to understand your challenges and help where he can. He loves talking with CEOs and sales leaders, understanding their go-to-market activities, and helping them scale their processes.

Learn More Here

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