Launching A Book Using NFTS with Loral Langemeier

March 7, 2022

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Loral Langemeier about her new book, Make Your Kids Millionaires and her unique book release using NFTS. 

About Make Your Kids Millionaires:

Make Your Kids Millionaires walks you through the process of helping your child think and behave in ways that vastly increase their potential for a future of wealth— starting in the very first years of their life. The book includes activities, exercises, and guided conversations, modeled after the elite training strategies used by US Air Force pilots. Plus behind the scenes accounts of how Loral became a millionaire and duplicated the process with her own children. Pre Order Now

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to think out of the box to make your kids entrepreneurs.
  • How to create generational wealth.
  • How launching a book with an NFT is changing the market.


“It really sets that entrepreneurial energy for your kids, because now they have to negotiate, so I’m not paying you for your time I’m paying you for results in a project.” (8:30)

“It’s a very strategic launch with lots of layers to it. I think the most important thing is not only going to get a value pack book for you and your family for generations, wrapped in the NFT we’re going to be launching a conference called Generational Wealth.” (14:45)

As a family we are going to put our little toe in this water called NFT’s and I’ve been in Bitcoin in their Roth IRA, since it was $4,000. Your Roth IRA is, in my opinion, is where you should be doing these kinds of investments because it grows tax free inside of that structure.” (22:15)

About Loral Langemeier:

Loral Langemeier is a money expert, sought after speaker, entrepreneurial thought leader, and best-selling author of five books who is on a relentless mission to change the conversation about money and empower people around the world to become millionaires.

Learn More Here

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