Building Your Audience with Luisa Zhou

September 7, 2020

Melanie Johnson & Jenn Foster, owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Luisa Zhou about how to get your business to make SIX figures by building your audience.  

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What You’ll Learn in this Episode:

  • How to find a skill that you can monetize.
  • How to choose the right business model.
  • How to use Facebook groups.


“Focus on one channel, the best channel for you, given your resources and your industry and master that first.” (6:23)

“Think about how quickly social media posts disappear. If you post something one week, and you’re not back until two weeks later, no one’s gonna remember you.” (10:10)

“In the beginning do the least amount of work as possible. Prioritize tasks that can potentially lead to a direct sale, don’t make your website prettier. You can do that later.” (16:04)

About Luisa Zhou:

When Luisa was growing up, she dreamed of being the CEO of a major corporation. The child of Chinese immigrant parents, she was taught that a steady job and paycheck were the ticket to the American Dream — and Luisa bought in.

She wanted it all — the power, the corner office, the big paycheck, and a closet full of Manolos. So she did the normal climb: and attended a prestigious university (Princeton) and majored in something safe (engineering) that would guarantee her a job out of college.

By the time Luisa was 25, she was the big kahuna of a team managing millions of dollars in business each year. From the outside, she was really “making it” — and she had the six-figure salary, high-rise condo, and proud parents to prove it. But on the inside, she wasn’t happy.

So Luisa went all in and started her own business teaching people the digital advertising skills she’d learned from previous jobs.

Today, Luisa teaches smart, successful people how to start their own six-figure plus business. She’s helped hundreds of students make anywhere from 10K to 100K in just a few months. And she’s been featured in numerous online and print publications including Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, and more.

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