Join Jenn Foster co-owner of Elite Online Publishing, as she discusses the captivating world of children’s book creation and marketing. Jenn shares her journey from the initial spark of inspiration to building a successful children’s book series, including...
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for authors. While social media platforms and book retailers are essential tools for reaching readers, they can’t replace the benefits of having a dedicated author website. In this blog...
1. The Best Tool to Market Your Book A website or landing page is one of the easiest and least expensive selling tools for your book. It also establishes the book’s online identity. You could create an author website if you plan on having more than one book. Or you...
Four Benefits Of A Podcast The biggest problem that most businesses face is no one knows who you are. You are obscure, you need to get your name out there. You are the best-kept secret in your market. The great advantage of a podcast is through the sole power of your...
How to Build an Author Imprint Do you want to be known as THE expert in your niche? Your book is the first step on that path. It makes you an instant expert in your field. But it doesn’t make you THE expert—not without some proof and reason behind it. For that, you...
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