Writing and Publishing a Press Release

Writing and Publishing a Press Release

Writing and Publishing a Press Release Now that you’ve published your book, you’ll want to push that buzz you’ve already begun with the media in the form of a press release. To read more on the power of press releases and networking, read our blog linked here. When...
How to Build an Author Imprint

How to Build an Author Imprint

How to Build an Author Imprint Do you want to be known as THE expert in your niche? Your book is the first step on that path. It makes you an instant expert in your field. But it doesn’t make you THE expert—not without some proof and reason behind it. For that, you...
How to Market Yourself as a Thought Leader

How to Market Yourself as a Thought Leader

How to Market Yourself as a Thought Leader Before we talk about marketing an idea, let’s make sure we define our terms. A “Thought Leader” is a person, brand, or organization that (officially, or unofficially) becomes an influencer within a specific topic. This person...
How to Find the Best Fonts for Your Book

How to Find the Best Fonts for Your Book

How to Find the Best Fonts for Your Book Believe us or not, there is a method behind the madness in choosing a strategic font that goes beyond personal preference. A variety of things needs to be taken into consideration, such as the material (Is it print? What size...