JMW was born in Texas. The son of a rodeo cowboy and businessman. He joined the Marine Corps during the Vietnam war and served in a military police unit. He followed that line of work after the military, serving as a police officer. Through many trials, he was...
Live Your HELL YES LIFE with Krysta Rogers. Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster talk with Krysta Rogers about living a life with passion, feeling more powerful and in control, taking action towards your dreams and having the relationship, the business and the life that...
Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster talk with Erik Swanson about Time Habits & Attitude with Erik Swanson from Habitude Warrior Conference. Keynote Speaker & Success Coach Erik Swanson As a Speaker, Motivator, Coach, Mentor, Bestselling Author, and a Corporate...
New Year, New Episodes on our Podcast Elite Expert Insider Season 2! Do you want to start a podcast? Are you unsure what you need to do to get started? Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson interview Paul Colligan, the Podcasting expert! Paul Colligan helps others leverage...
Melanie Johnson and Jenn Foster interview Scott Wilhite, author of The 7 Core Skills of Everyday Happiness: Scientifically Proven Skills for a Happier, More Meaningful Life. Scott Wilhite is an award-winning commercial filmmaker turned social entrepreneur. As a...
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