Unlocking Financial Wisdom with Author Lynda Paul: The Rule of 72 and More

October 25, 2023

Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, interview Lynda Paul, an international bestselling author and a passionate advocate for financial literacy. Lynda shares her inspiring story of dedicating a decade to writing her book, ‘Making Sound Money Moves: The Financial Playbook.’ 

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What You’ll Learn In This Episode:

  • How to leverage your book as a tool.
  • How to create generational wealth.
  • How to empower yourself with a book.


“And you have to work harder to keep your job as a professional athlete, because there’s a lot of competition and there’s a lot of people who want your job. And so, yes, you have to maintain your book brand on and off the court.” (09:27)

“It’s to educate people about compound interest on page 136 of my book, I talk about compound interest and the rule of 72. It’s how compound interest works. And so it tells you basically, how long it will take your money to double given an interest rate.” (13:59)

“I think that you’re going to need a partner in writing your book. To make this thing happen and to do your due diligence, to check out elite online publishing, to make sure that your publisher is giving you the support that you need.” (20:07)

About Lynda Paul:

Lynda Paul is the owner, founder, and chief investment advisor of Sound Money Management, Inc., RIA, an independent Registered Investment Advisory firm in San Antonio, Texas. She is a Certified Financial Planner® professional and an inactive CPA. With an undergraduate degree in corporate finance from Ball State University and a master’s degree in finance and marketing from Keller Graduate School of Management.

As a former Division I collegiate basketball player, Lynda has combined her passions for financial planning and athletic endeavors to create an inspiring and informative book about the importance of financial literacy titled Making Sound Money Moves: Financial Playbook for All Jocks – 43 Reasons Professional Athletes Have Jacked-Up Financial Lives and What You Can Learn from Their Foul Plays. Her goal for this book is “to inspire young people to improve their financial IQ and relationship with money, and to help them understand that money decisions made today will impact their future.”

Learn More Here

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Video URL: https://youtu.be/hoprbDFwp-E

Website: https://EliteOnlinePublishing.com

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