Why Is It Important To Translate Your Book Into Other Languages?

February 26, 2021

Why Is It Important To Translate Your Book Into Other Languages?

Are you considering writing a bookHave you thought about your audience accessibility? One way to increase your audience is to publish your book in multiple translations to reach a bigger audience. Sure, your audience may seem wide already, but today we’re tackling the question, why is it important to translate your book into other languages?

At Elite Online Publishing, we are all about getting the most out of the content you write! Whether it be a blog post, book, podcast script, or a website, there are many ways to repurpose your hard work. We have fundamentally implemented this repurposing and accessibility mindset by publishing our author’s work in several formats at once: 

> Print Book 
> eBook 
> Audio Book 

Another vein of this is to have your book translated into multiple languages. Spanish and German are at the top of the list after English in popular languages. Other languages to consider are French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Chinese to name a few.

See KDP’s list of languages here

When you publish your book in multiple languages, you have a win-win situation on your hands; You will be able to reach more people with your message, and you will diversify your income substantially. There is typically less competition in many of these other languages, potentially giving you the opportunity to sell more books.

Before you run to an editor to get your rough draft manuscript translated just yet, consider this crucial step! Have everything you need translated, finalized and ready. This includes details like,

  • Book Description
  • Bios
  • Your Simple Opt-In Page
  • Emails in your Autoresponder (Consider creating an all-new email list specific to that language)
Looking for the next step? Get a peak at our publishing packages here.

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