Reasons Why Every Politician Should Have a Book

April 1, 2020

It should come as no surprise that politicians, like business owners, benefit from having a published book. There are many reasons that every politician should have a book. 

A Book Establishes Credibility and Builds Trust

Politicians with Books

Former President Barack Obama had two books published before being elected president. “Dreams From My Father” and “The Audacity of Hope”. Many other politicians have publishing books including Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin, John F. Kennedy, Elizabeth Warren, Mitt Romney, and the list goes on. These books offer great insights into a politician’s background and what they stand for. For example, “Dreams From My Father” by Barack Obama details his life from childhood to adulthood, his beliefs, and his goals. The same goes for other politician’s books, they dive deeper into their personal lives and present them as someone that one can relate to.

Why EVERY Politician Needs a Book

Not only does a book establish your background and goals as a politician, but it builds your credibility and expertise. Interviews and other media platforms can be limiting, but in a book, you can display your knowledge, experience, and plans in a way that you can’t in interviews or social media. It will also connect you with your reader on a personal level. It can be difficult to develop a connection with voters otherwise. Voters are more likely to consider candidates they can trust, and the first step to building trust is sharing yourself with others. 

Another reason to have a book is it establishes your credibility among your peers as well as voters. Especially if you have a bestselling book, it will set you apart and establish your credibility.  

For more reasons, check out our podcast on the subject here!

Where Do You Start?

Think you don’t have content for a book? You’d be surprised! In fact, you can repurpose a lot of content you already have. Think about interviews, essays, and other media you’ve shared your background and thoughts in. You likely have enough for a book – or even two or more! Gather what you have, create an outline, and start writing!

Are you starting your path on a political career? Or are you ready to take the next step and publish a book? Elite Online Publishing will walk with you every step of the way in creating your book. Not only that, but all of our authors reach #1 bestseller status!

Contact us today to set up a time for a consultation!

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