If You’re an Author You Need an Audiobook

If You’re an Author You Need an Audiobook

You’ve achieved your dream and published a book — now what? It’s time to release an audiobook! You may be thinking audiobooks aren’t that popular these days or that your book isn’t fitting to be an audiobook. The truth? Audiobooks are more popular today than ever....
9 Ways to Write A Book

9 Ways to Write A Book

How many times have you heard someone (including yourself) say “I should write a book about that”? While it’s said often, most of the time that idea remains on a backshelf; forgotten and neglected. Maybe it’s because you think you can’t write a book or you don’t even...
Why Write A Book In 2020

Why Write A Book In 2020

You may be wondering what you would even write, how would you publish the book, and would anyone want to read it? It’s the first step that’s the hardest, the scariest, but it is the most rewarding experience you’ll have.  2020 Is Your Year to Write A Book You Can Do...