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Authors Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson Hit #1 International Bestseller with ‘Famous Inspirational Quotes’

Authors Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson Hit #1 International Bestseller with ‘Famous Inspirational Quotes’

Elite Online Publishing Launched an International Bestselling Book by Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson Authors Jenn Foster & Melanie Johnson introduced their new book  Famous Inspirational Quotes which climbed quickly to be a #1 International Bestseller on...

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April Newsletter – Busy as a Bee

April Newsletter – Busy as a Bee

Spring showers bring bestseller flowers.   Busy as a Bee Elite has seen some great buzz this month! March has been a great month here at Elite Online Publishing and we’re so excited for our fresh starts! To start, we had two greatly successful book launches that made...

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8 of the Greatest Self-Help Books

8 of the Greatest Self-Help Books

This is 8 of the greatest self-help books that have been around for many, many years and millions keep referring back to them. Many of us have turned to a self help book at one time or another. Whether it is for improving our way to do business, how to parent better,...

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Say Goodbye to Google+

Say Goodbye to Google+

We are saying "Goodbye" to Google+ and "Hello" to Changes Many of us have received an email from Google like the following one below.  We would like you to know that here at Elite Publishing, We setup and optimize all social media channels for our clients. Google+ and...

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A Book will Change Your Life

A Book will Change Your Life

A Testimonial. The biggest breakthrough of my life was the day I became an author. It forever changed my life. I was challenged by a friend to write a book about my coaching style. It took me 2 years to accept the challenge. When I couldn't sleep to save my life I set...

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Book Sharing Hack to Facebook Groups

Book Sharing Hack to Facebook Groups

Wes Oleszewski is the author of 'Invisible Evil,' which became a number one international bestseller on Amazon, shared a fantastic hack with us that I in return want to share with you. Read on or watch my short video. Wes was told in Facebook groups that he could not...

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Remarkable Elite Books of 2018

Remarkable Elite Books of 2018

Remarkable Elite Books of 2018 Once stated by Mark Twain, "his death had been greatly exaggerated," and so it seems with the publishing industry where book sales and the number of books being published continue to climb. In fact, Bowker, the official ISBN agency in...

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Why Goal Setting Works

Why Goal Setting Works

Why Goal Setting Works I know SMART goals are a very effective way to make and set a goal. But, I do find them sometimes tedious and hard to do. Since I have written about goal setting recently, I decided that instead of writing about how to set goals, I would share...

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